Our Common Goal in the SIP and the CAC
We as Christians are called to live according to the commandment of love; we are to put love into practice. The world desperately needs to experience the love of Christ in us. We are to live as a people who have been redeemed so that the world can believe in the Redeemer”…”Our spiritual homeland is the world of Easter and Pentecost”…“For us the name Opus Spiritus Sancti - Work of the Holy Spirit - obligates us to work for the coming of a ‘New Pentecost’…”This is first and foremost a gift of God for which we must pray. We understand by it the coming of the Reign of God, " ....for, you must know, the Kingdom of God is among you“ (quotations from Luke 17:2 and from the OSS Directorium Spirituale).
Members of the Circle of Those Who Pray, from which the CAC community emerged, prayed daily for a "New Pentecost“. We feel obliged to continue this prayer daily.
Members of the Circle of Those Who Pray, from which the CAC community emerged, prayed daily for a "New Pentecost“. We feel obliged to continue this prayer daily.
We share a common spirituality with all communities in the Opus Spiritus Sancti. This spirituality was given to us by our Founder, Fr. Bernhard Bendel, and is described in the Directorium Spirituale, our manual for the spiritual life. This spirituality begins with the Incarnation and culminates in Easter-Pentecost. Striving to live our spirituality daily helps us to better realize the Easter-Pentecost world in our lives.
The goals and the concern of the Community of Apostolic Christians and of the Secular Institute of Diocesan Priests, and the relationship of these two communities to each other are described in their Covenant document. This Covenant is studied during the time of formation before the First Dedication.
When a person has prayed a dedication to the Holy Spirit in the CAC and is beginning to live the spirituality more deeply, it follows that s/he would also want to serve the needs of others. The ministries members participate in, whether for the good of society or the church, are what are called apostolates. These will, of course, vary according to the gifts of each individual and of the group, and according to the needs locally. Each member is encouraged to engage in some personal apostolate and each group is also encouraged to work together on some common apostolate.
The goals and the concern of the Community of Apostolic Christians and of the Secular Institute of Diocesan Priests, and the relationship of these two communities to each other are described in their Covenant document. This Covenant is studied during the time of formation before the First Dedication.
When a person has prayed a dedication to the Holy Spirit in the CAC and is beginning to live the spirituality more deeply, it follows that s/he would also want to serve the needs of others. The ministries members participate in, whether for the good of society or the church, are what are called apostolates. These will, of course, vary according to the gifts of each individual and of the group, and according to the needs locally. Each member is encouraged to engage in some personal apostolate and each group is also encouraged to work together on some common apostolate.